
Eternal Life Now?

The follow words come from a sermon preached at the First Presbyterian Church in Hinton, West Virginia. My friend Ann Wells, who lives in both Hinton and Murray, KY (though not at the same time) shared this with me.  It suggests a way for us to live incarnationally.

“Eternal life can be experienced, here and now. In the Gospel of Luke 17: 20-21, there is a conversation between the Pharisees and Jesus. The Pharisees ask Jesus, ‘when the kingdom of God would come.’ Jesus replied, ‘The Kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you.’ . . . The word ‘kingdom; in Greek is ‘basileia’ and it means rule, reign, or dominion. When we believe in Jesus as our Savior and Lord, God’s rule and God’s reign starts in us. And if we are under God’s reign, we can experience eternal life, here and now. We are not able to fully experience eternal life in our earthly lives because our sinful nature remains in us and is constantly blocking us from having an intimate fellowship with God. But we can still enjoy and experience eternal life on earth when we haves a personal relationship with God because we are united with Christ through faith and Christ lives in us.”

To this I would only add that “personal relationship” is only evident to ourselves and to others when we live incarnationally (draw upon the divinity within us) to reach out to and love others—all others, without exception—even those we don’t like.


“Christ Has Died, Christ Has Risen, Christ will…?

The highpoint of the “sacrifice of the Mass” during my Catholic youth was the point at which the priest would raise the consecrated Host (now deemed mystically the body of Christ) three times pronouncing (in Latin) that “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again!”  As an altar boy I would ring the bell next to me as I knelt on the lower step below the altar each time the Host was raised. Members of the congregation would bow silently at this solemn moment.

Now, during my Presbyterian late maturity, I have a pastor who has made the same proclamation during the “Prayer of Thanksgiving” as part of our monthly communion service.  This time it is in English and without any bell ringing. It is still a significant moment.


Another Thought on White Privilege

Several friends enjoy reading John Pavlovitz’s website ( and I received from one of them a June 23, 2020 post from it entitled “The White Privilege of Ignoring the News.” 

I was intrigued, both because I continue to try to understand—as an old white man—how I have been affected by white privilege and because I know a number of friends who have stopped watching the TV News shows or, in one case, watching television at all.  They say it makes their life less stressful and instead rely on newspapers and public radio.


Ten Ways to Survive COVID Claustrophia

It doesn’t really matter where you fall on our politicized corona virus spectrum.  You can be a Trump follower who sees COVID as a “hoax” or just a more serious flu hyped by the left to destroy the economy.  Or you can be one of those leftists who wants to save lives by wearing masks and social distancing in the face of inadequate government actions to stop the pandemic.

Either way, when you are told to “stay healthy at home” and avoid public gatherings, and you try to do this to keep yourself and your family safe, you will find yourself soon suffering from “cabin fever,” a term used in American history to describe how people isolated over the winter in a remote frontier cabin became “stir-crazy” as Spring approached and needed to get out.

Since most of us, especially among the vulnerable elderly (which now seems to include folks as young as twenty-five or so) have and do experience cabin fever, I offer these ten suggestions to keep you from becoming claustrophobic, clinically depressed, or brain dead.  These have been tested!


“Going South”-Biased Language?

I recently read this phrase in a newspaper article. At first I thought this might be a literal reference to Donald Trump’s political support. It wasn’t, but instead a reference to something getting worse, as in, for example, Coronavirus numbers increasing or “going south.”

Many years ago, while studying the subject of nationalism in graduate school, I came across a book that pointed out that in almost every nation-state, people in the northern part of the land tended to look down upon those in the south as less industrious, lazier, more unsophisticated…well, you get the picture.

Then I realized that, as silly as this might sound, it did seem to have the ring of truth in popular culture. It seemed to be true in the USA, both before after the Civil War, as well as in Germany and Italy. In the former, “high German” speaking (mostly Protestant) northerners look down on the Bavarian Catholics in the south even though the beer in Munich is much better than that in “Prussia,” as some of my Bavarian friends call the north. The same seems to be true in Italy, where those in Milan tend to make derogatory comments about the mobsters with names like Guido in Sicily. Darker-skinned Italians — many in the south–were sometimes referred to a “burnt pizza.”

I am not sure whether or not this is true in the southern hemisphere, and I can’t remember the name of the book in which I found this idea.


Social and Political Systems: Success and Failure

By Rev. Fred Morton (June, 2020)  Guest Contributor

“For ye are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28 (KJV)

We all live within social and cultural systems, some which are healthy and some which are not. The Merriam Webster Dictionary calls a social system “the patterned series of interrelationships existing between individuals, groups, and institutions and forming a coherent whole.”  A cultural system is the social norms, beliefs, laws, and customs (religion and arts) of the people within the social system or society.

Today, we are keenly aware that we have a number of different societies and cultures in the United States. We are all caught up in the caldron of conversations about the differences and discriminations against people who are somehow (culturally, socially, ethnically and racially) different from those in our particular culture and social group. For those of us claiming the title of Christian, we are aware of the contrast between how we live and think and the overarching value of our Christian faith which asserts “We are all the same!” in the eyes of God while we know that in our lives, “It ain’t necessarily so”.

I propose a little tutorial on “Systems—How they work”. Although I am no authority, I’ve taken a fair number of courses on sociology, psychology, history and so on. This knowledge, however, is not as valuable as my own jaded experience. 


Another Take on Incarnation

 “I am divine.  I am an aspect of God, whole, perfect and complete.”   Diana Bishop, editor of Science of Mind magazine.


What does it mean to say that we are divine or that God is within us (the slightly more modest version)?  This is one of those questions shared by we Christian who wish to be seen as progressive or incarnational and by adherents of the “New Thought” or mental science philosophy, an American metaphysical religion that can be traced back to Ralph Waldo Emerson and followed in the work of a series of healers and positive thinkers (some sincere, others scammers) from that day to ours.*

Personal Politics

White Privilege

Thoughts on White Privilege

            The term “white privilege” has appeared frequently in our streets,  news reports, and commentaries. If we are white, this term can make us feel angry or guilty—or some strange combination of the two.

            This is especially true when we are told that white privilege is not simple prejudice but rather something that is built into the social, political and economic structures of our society.

            We don’t like being called racist, since most of us white people really do not think or feel that we look down upon those of different cultures or skin colors. And we become puzzled by terms like “structural racism.”  We just do not see this as true.

            Ah, but that is just the point! 

            If I am painting my porch and wear my paint-stained, rumpled clothes to the bank to get some extra cash to buy supper, the teller might joke about my appearance but will not judge me as a lesser person nor be apprehensive or fearful.  This might not be the case if I were an African-American or a person of Latin American heritage dressed the same way.  

            Think about it!  My whiteness protects me.  I have been stopped by the police for speeding more than once, for example, but have always been spoken to calmly and I never feared that I might be shot if I reached into my pocket to get my wallet with my driver’s license.

            Many years ago, I helped a stranded African-American student with a dead car battery. We took his battery to a local battery shop (now gone) to be charged. When the student asked the proprietor for a receipt, the man turned on him angrily and accused the young man of not trusting him.  Since there were dozens of batteries scattered around the shop waiting attention, I thought the request was reasonable.

            Of course, the student was from St. Louis, where I gathered receipts in such cases were more common.  It was a tense moment.  And it was an example of structural racism; how dare this young black man suggest that he deserved a receipt! It was an affront. Would a white student have been treated with the same anger? Probably not.

            White privilege means that the structures and social norms of our society are defined by white people who can take for granted that people will not be suspicious of us because of our skin color. People of color simply cannot take that for granted.

            Protesters throughout America are asking that we recognize white privilege and try to dismantle it. This will be very difficult.

            In the first place, even though white privilege is unfair, threatens to disturb our society, and our democratic republic, it is not something that can easily be outlawed. It is not just a political problem.

Privilege is about power and those who have it never surrender without a fight. History suggests there will always be those with power and those without. 

Secondly, white privilege, like the racism or color consciousness that undergirds it, is a moral issue. As such the behavior it allows can only be addressed indirectly by our political system, with laws against police brutality, and reforms in our justice system.

 It is not, however, only a personal moral issue. In the words of my favorite spiritual guru, the Franciscan Richard Rohr, it must be seen “as a matter of justice and truth and not just a matter of me being generous and charitable.” 

That may be why we see so many protesters chanting “No Justice; No Peace.”

Rohr believes that we have to change our minds and hearts, and that only great love or great suffering allows us to do that.  Tough, but at least we have a choice.  If we don’t start loving, our children and grandchildren may face great suffering.

Within a generation, those of European descent will be a minority in the USA. At that point, human nature being what it is, white privilege may be replaced by color privilege.

If we think seriously about that, it might be a bit easier for us white folks to help create the society that today’s protesters want to see.


Why I Wear a Mask in Public

            Face masks have become a big topic in our media over the past several weeks.  They have even been “weaponized” as a political issue, with Trump supporters claiming they are a denial of individual freedom and Trump opponents claiming that they save lives, something they believe is at least as important as reviving the economy.

            People on both sides of our gaping political divide in America today probably do or don’t wear face masks as political statements. Others, especially in my age group, wear them for other reasons, only a few of which might be deemed political.

I do agree with the members of the “non-wearing” community that face masks are both uncomfortable and can even be costly.

            When I was in Wal-Mart two weeks ago, I adjusted my mask once too often and managed to lose one of my hearing aids in the process. Of course, I didn’t realize this until I got home and it was too late. Fortunately, my three-year insurance warranty was not yet up and I “only” had to pay a $600 to replace the $2000.00 hearing aid I lost.

            Aside from that, face masks are a nuisance when one is speaking or listening to others; they force us to breathe our own carbon dioxide while wearing them, and they tend to slip off of our noses at times. They can itch too.

Nevertheless, as I thought about this issue over the past weekend, I came up with the following

reasons to explain why I do still wear a mask in public places when I am around other people.  You may find some of them interesting—or amusing.

  1. Since I haven’t seen my hair guy since February, they cover part of my scraggly beard;
  2. They make me feel safer and thus more confident when I walk through the still narrow aisles at the grocery store;
  3. They help me feel compassion for the retail workers in all stores who must wear them all day. Just thinking about all the carbon dioxide they are breathing makes me tired;
  4. They allow other mask wearers, some of whom are in a higher risk category than I am, to feel some comfort when I must stand near them;
  5. Wearing a mask allows me to actually do something concrete to prevent transmission of a deadly virus; this is not something I have done before, and it is virtuous;
  6. Even though I have tested negative for COVID-19, I know that we are still months away from even the fastest moving vaccine, so wearing a mask could protect me as well as others;
  7. Sometimes people don’t recognize you when you wear a mask. This is not always a bad thing;
  8. My governor wears one, and I want to stand with Andy as he attempts to protect our Kentucky population;
  9. All of the medical people I visit wear masks and take my temperature.  They know more about disease in general and COVID-19 in particular than I do;
  10. And, finally, I wear a mask because I do not confuse keeping myself and my neighbors healthy with losing my civil rights or personal freedom.

Having said all this, I acknowledge the very real dilemma Americans face in trying to balance our health and the lives of our fellow citizens with the need to restore or reopen the economy. I think the coronavirus is far more serious than the flu, and it pains me that so many of us are falling prey to various conspiracy theories and trying to blame someone else for making us sick instead of helping each other get well.

When all is said and done, perhaps that is what historians will say about this period—that too many of us have sadly allowed an event that should have brought us together (as it has for many already) to degenerate into a partisan political debate with much name and blame calling.                                                                              

And that may be yet another reason to wear a mask—to hide our own shame at letting this happen.


God: Angry or Loving?

I had a friend while in graduate school (he was preparing to become a priest, I a historian) who was a member of a group of folks who regularly studied scripture in a group.

One day he came to the office where we worked and proclaimed that his group was studying Jeremiah. “He has the angriest God in the book,” Rob proclaimed.

I thought of this recently while traveling down the street and noticing a minivan ahead of me that had “Jeremiah 29:11” painted in big letters on his back window. I was intrigued and when I got home, decided to look up the passage and here is what i found: “For I know the plans I have for you,”‘declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (NIV)